Our last day in Peru – Mission trip 2009/2010

Our last day in Peru began with a visit to the Parish Furniture wood shop – www.parishfurniture.com. As a ministry to the men of Trujillo, the wood shop crafts high-end outdoor furniture out of sustainable Peruvian wood sources. As a community development venture, they provide men with trade skills, business skills, and Christian discipleship in a work environment. The goal is to train leaders so go out into the community as small business owners to be salt and light. Chris Bolton showed us around the shop, including the work room and wood kiln.

We then hopped on Bob to visit Wichanzao – where we got to see the medical clinic, microfinancing office, and the Wichanzao church. Once again, what a blessing to have physical needs met, community infrastructure encouraged, and Gospel ministry combined in a single location.

Clementina is an area on the outskirts of Trujillo which is essentially a squatter community. Families live on the sand in thatch dwellings and slowly aquire water, adobe houses, and other needs. Peru Mission has a church plant here – and we had the joy of putting on an impromtu VBS for the kids in the neighborhood. Walking up and down the alleys and streets, we called out to the families to invite them to the church. Around 50 kids and parents came to sing and hear the Gospel in the small church building. It was a blast!

Lunch was on the coast at a fantastic restaurant called Big Ben’s – which specializes in fish. Cebeche and the best lemonade known to mankind were definitely a favorite.

Pictures to come. We’re in the Lima airport waiting until our 12:00pm flight. We land in New Orleans around noon tomorrow (Saturday). Pray for smooth travel!