Peru in Review – Day 2


We’re home! Thanks for all of your prayers. Due to the hectic camp schedule, we were not able to live-blog our mission trip. However, we’d still love for you to hear the story of Peru Camp 2013. Keep up with us the next few weeks as we reflect back on God’s faithfulness during our trip.






It’s not a trip to Trujillo without quality time on Bob the Bus. Here’s the Point Pleasant and Twin Lakes crew on our way to camp the first day. We love our partnership with Point Pleasant and Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA. Read more about IPC on their website




Herbert sporting his Twin Lakes Peru from a few years ago on the first day of camp. Our first day was held at the church in the Arevalo neighborhood in Trujillo. We sang, and rotated through 4 games and a bible lesson with Pastor Ricardo. It was an excellent day of “opening ceremonies” as we looked forward to camp at a facility just outside of town.



Counselor Dylan Varner from the Amarillo color group – taking care of our youngest campers in Peru by partnering with Peruvian counselors selected from 3 Presbyterian churches in the area.



Hermes did a great job as our MC for camp! He and his wife Alleen McClain de Tomas have been pivotal in the success of camp over the past 5 years. Alleen felt the call to missions when she went as a participant in a Twin Lakes in Peru mission trip. She and Hermes now serve in administration, short-term team facilitation, and in musical and economic development in Peru. Follow their mission on Facebook and on the Peru Mission website



Danny Hernandez sings with the kids at the first day of camp. Danny serves as the manager of the Peru Paper company in Trujillo. Read more on their website



 Allen Smith leading music for camp. Allen and Sandi are missionaries in Peru with their 4 girls. While in seminary, Allen served as the camp pastor at Twin Lakes, and felt a call to missions shortly thereafter. The song he is teaching here is an original based on Jonah chapter 2. Allen was a driving force behind the first Twin Lakes Peru camp, and we are very thankful for his service. Visit their website and their Peru Mission page



Teaching the kids of Trujillo the ever popular 4-square! They loved it.



Pastor Ricardo Hernandez teaching the book of Jonah and helping the kids with bible memorization.


After this first day of camp, we finished out our New Years day with a long, leisurely hang-out on the front steps of the church. Transportation can be tricky on New Years, after all. We then had an adventure finding a place to eat!

In it all, God was good. Even in waiting, we bonded as a team, and took a moment to rest. It was refreshing and fun to sit in the cool night air, share stories, kick the soccer ball, and reflect on the trip’s adventures thus far. At summer camp in the states, it’s often the mundane, simple moments – saturated in God’s word – that make such a lasting impact on hearts and lives. Thousands of miles from home, the story was the same.