Peru Mission Trip 2011/2012 – Part 4: O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

The first two days of camp are complete!

After an early morning breakfast we loaded Bob the bus en route to Las Lagunas – a fun and quirky rental facility outside of Trujillo. LL is complete with terraced open air structures of incredible variety, two pools, and a lagoon complete with two very real penguins. Check out our facebook page for pictures.

This morning our team began studying John chapter 11 – the raising of Lazarus from the dead. It is our hope that in seeing the heart of our Savior in the way He lived His life, we will be challenged and comforted in our own work.

The first day is always rather raucous – we have a few minutes to prepare for 200 people at a facility that most of the team had never seen. Thankfully, Stuart Mills (missionary and director of the Parish Woodshop – an economic development venture that has provided jobs for many skilled craftsman in the community while going about the work of discipleship – visit and many other volunteers were hard at work behind the scenes the entire time.

The best part of these first two days was watching our team spring into action. All of the planning and vision of he past year saw life. We saw joy on the faces of everyone involved – joy in serving and the hilarity of summer camp. The language barrier is difficult, but Peru Mission has provided and incredible team of translators.

The night before our first day of camp, we gathered to sing. It was incredible to hear our team sing in praise and thanksgiving to God. On the last verse of the great hymn, O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus, we began to sing accapella. The entire hotel was filled with 4 part harmony (this team is shockingly talented). We received word later that the staff and guests of the hotel had marveled at the beauty of it all. I pray that the beauty of our song would be reflected in our hearts.