Quick Update – Peru Mission Trip 2009/2010

There is not much time on this early Monday morning – but here is whats happenin…

– We will leave for the camp site at 7:15am Eastern. Campers are SUPPOSED to arrive at 9:00, but somehow, our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Peru arrive early for camp alone. It is just that exciting!

– The location for camp this year is brand new. It should be a blessing, but it is not as centralized as the last camp site. There are many places where you cannot see the other activity sites – so pray for camper safety!

– We have heard that there are two legitimate penguins living in a small lagoon at the camp. Who would have thought?

– There are two types of counselors for camp – activity counselors and group counselors. Activity counselors teach each period and supervise safety. The group counselor builds relationships with the kids throughout the week and facilitates safe transitions from site to site. We hope this structure leads to effective discipleship!

– Continue to pray that no one eats anything that makes them sick and for general health. We know that the Lord will provide – but we need every person we have to pull off camp!

– Today we will take a look at King Saul. The kids will make crowns in Arts and Crafts and throughout the day learn what kingship really means. Saul was outwardly impressive, but he did not obey God. Saul sought his own will and sacrificed to God to justify his actions. In response to this, God rejected him as King. {Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams…because you have rejected My words, I have also rejected you from being King. from 1st Samuel 15:22 and 23] We hope to communicate the need for Christ through revealing this sin in all of our lives. Pray that the kids would come to understand today that God does not love us or justify us based on our good deeds and work, even if done in His name. Obedience flows from gratitude for grace in Christ Jesus. Each day we will point past the story to King Jesus as the King of our Hearts.

– The team is growing together, getting adjusted, laughing more, being sleepy less, and are excited about today.