Twin Lakes Summer Camp

Applying for L.I.T.

bible memory game

“But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your servant, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.”

Matthew 20:26-28

Leaders In Training at Twin Lakes have the opportunity to glorify God through service during our summer program. While being an L.I.T. is a serious commitment, it is also a challenge and rewarding experience. We hope that you will put much thought and prayer into considering to apply to be a part of this ministry.

Our Goal

The purpose of Twin Lakes Summer Camp is to provide a fun, safe, outdoor environment where kids learn from the staff to glorify God in every area of life.  Developing relationships with children is at the forefront of everything we do.  We desire to minister to their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs through our words and actions.

Not your typical youth camp

Teen helping at Archery

Leaders In Training are not staff.  They are also not campers.  L.I.T.s focus on Christian growth through service as patterned by Jesus and described by Paul in Philippians 2.  The program is designed to encourage personal growth in Christ, challenge youth to be godly leaders, and teach and prepare them to minister to and serve others.  In addition to serving campers, we seek to help these leaders continue to grow in Christ and in His word.  L.I.T.s will build close friendships as they study, live out God’s word, pray and worship together.


Teen helping at Camp

The L.I.T. program involves many responsibilities while allowing for plenty of fellowship and fun.  The L.I.T. program is a time to intentionally engage in relationships with others, God’s word, and His creation.  Life is different at camp, where we either adopt certain behaviors or give them up for the sake of our purpose. Every policy has a purpose – to honor God and to protect this community.  Restrictions on technology, clothing, and time are made for you and for the community as a whole.  These limitations will enhance your L.I.T. experience.


Teen on inflatable

Leaders In Training will be prepared to minister to and serve others through Biblical teaching, Bible study, and plenty of hands-on experience.  L.I.T.s experience the various Twin Lakes activities – swimming, horseback riding, riflery and archery, rock climbing, canoeing, kayaking, and much more.  Each individual will be presented valuable leadership lessons through assisting counselors with campers in all areas of camp life.  These areas include helping at activities, helping set-up, serve and clean up meals, as well as assisting with each night’s programs and snacks.

What we expect

Expectations for our Leaders In Training include:

  1. Obedience to and cooperation with camp leadership
  2. A sincere effort to work as a considerate team member
  3. Growth in Christ by having private and corporate devotional time
  4. Good stewardship of time, speech, appearance, health, and the facility at Twin Lakes
  5. Understanding that  L.I.T.s will be performing a responsible assignment with the welfare and care of campers as their foremost interest
  6. To be present and useful at all times
  7. To set an example to the campers and others of what it means to be a person that lives to honor God
  8. Knowledge of and strict adherence to all camp policies (L.I.T.s are not permitted to use, or have in their possession, cell phones while at camp)

leader in training – (ages 13-15)

Cost per week — $375
(payment not due until accepted into the program)

The LEADER IN TRAINING program is designed to challenge youth to be godly leaders and train them to serve others. L.I.T.s are given opportunities to serve within our traditional camp setting at activities, meals, and nightly programs. The outdoor setting provides a backdrop free from distraction, for learning basic Biblical leadership principles.

We are excited about your interest in joining us in our summer camp ministry.  If you are interested in applying, please start the application below.  Positions can fill quickly, so it is important to apply and interview as early as possible.

Applicants must be interviewed and approved for this program. Payment is due only upon acceptance into the program.

Leader In Training Application

Login to Camp Profile

Leader In Training applicants are required to complete an application and interview process. Twin Lakes reserves the right to accept or deny applications for the L.I.T. program.
Please note that the L.I.T. program does involve many responsibilities that require work while allowing for plenty of fellowship and fun.