How did you grow?

A simple question was posed to our 2012 summer staff at the end of camp:

In what ways did you grow this summer?

Their answers are powerful, revealing the ways God worked this summer. Read what they wrote below and be encouraged.

Christian summer camp – another means by which God grows His church.



“God really taught me how to be faithful in the small things. I learned how to work alongside people from different backgrounds. God really taught me how to love people at Twin Lakes.”

“I feel like I became more independent and adaptable working at camp this summer. I also find myself reading my bible more often, and I’m now very comfortable sharing my faith with others.”

“I grew in fellowship with other staff members that I had the opportunity to be around. During the camp week there is a constant contact with the campers and staff that builds strong bonds. The campers rely on you and you rely on the other staff.”

“I learned that true leadership is more serving than delegating or barking orders.”

“I learned how to lean on God for His strength because I ended with none of my own. In Colossians, Paul talks about taking joy in his suffering and about using the strength of Jesus alone. Camp was a joy, even in the hardship because I know God was using me.”

“I learned to be a leader and not apathetic. I grew stronger in my faith, and my trust grew more than ever.”

“I grew in learning to deal with unlovable people. I know God put people in my life for a reason and when I am not loving those He has created, I am not honoring Him.”

“God taught me to be content, and even joyful, as I took on a smaller and more secondary role this summer. I am used to being out front and in leadership positions in more things I do, but this summer was different. I really learned from the lyrics of the hymn: “Content to fill a little space, if Thou be glorified.”

“I really grew in my relationships – both being able to encourage younger staff and being held accountable and encouraged by fellow counselors. I learned more how to be vulnerable and honest with other people. I’ve grown in my ability to reach out and love people I don’t know.”

“I learned what it meant to rely on God. Without His help I probably could not have made it through the summer. He kept on pouring stamina, energy, and patience into my empty cup.”

“I learned so much about Christian community and how it is supposed to look. I’ve never been around such an amazing group of people and I grew closer to God through fellowship and time alone with Him.”

“I feel that I grew in my love of and trust in the Lord this summer, in ways I couldn’t have in any other job.”

“My daily reading of the word and prayer life has been strengthened. I have a bigger heart for kids now, and a stronger love for God because of what He’s taught me this summer. My view of relationships has changed, and making amazing Christian friends has strengthened me so much.”

“Through Twin Lakes, I am realizing more and more my selfishness and need for Christ.”

“I matured as an advisor to younger men, in encouraging other Christians, and in appreciating the joy of serving with other believers.”

“The story of Jonah furthered my growth in trusting the Lord completely. God has such a big plan for my life and sometimes I can’t see the whole picture. I trust and know that He is in control and He will work everything out for good. I have grown to rest in the fact that God is in control and I am not. I don’t have to worry because He holds my future and my life.”

“I grew more comfortable with interacting with kids and focusing on glorifying God rather than seeking the approval of others. I got better at dancing too.”

“The Lord showed me the seriousness of my sin, which gives me a much bigger appreciation for Jesus. I have also learned a lot about patience and loving people where they are.”

“Camp matures me in so many ways. It teaches me to pour myself out and then be filled up with the love of Christ, to die to self and follow Christ with my whole heart. I’m so thankful for the way camp stretches me.”

“I grew in patience, in grace towards others, in love for God and His
mission, and in knowledge of His power.”


“So neither
he who plants nor he who waters is anything,
but only God who gives the
1st Cor. 3:7